Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 4...

So, I had a busy day 3 and didn't post. Between kids, teaching, storms and searching for a DVD player for the van, I forgot! I didn't get the DVD player, by the way. That was a trip from Hell! I still don't understand why it was so hard to get a retail store to take my $550 bucks, especially in this economy, but it was a fight I was on the losing end of. Maybe today will be more successful. But, as far as my weight loss goals are concerned, I did pretty well. I stayed within my calorie goals and did Body Design yesterday morning. I taught a step class this morning so I'm good to go! I'm considering going to Turbokick at 8:30 tomorrow morning, but I'm not sure I want to drag all the kids to the Kid Zone with me!!

OK - So, have you ever noticed that when you eat what is actually considered a portion size it turns out to be more than you thought it was? And when you plan what you are going to eat for the day you actually start NOT eating stuff because you aren't hungry? At least that is what happens to me. I started to eat an apple three times yesterday, but each time I went to do it I realized I really didn't want anything and put it back. That just amazes me. How can I eat and eat and eat when I have no plan, but when I do have a plan, I decide to not eat things? My theory is that when you don't have a plan and you don't keep track of things you don't realize how much you are eating. You don't listen to your hunger cues and boredom takes over. So, now I know this, why can't I keep it up for longer than a couple of months? That is my challenge. Not so much changing what I eat, but changing the amount I eat and keeping track of how much I eat and when. This is only day 4 and I'm still in the honeymoon phase. Once I actually start to see results I will continue, it's hitting that plateau state that always does me in! Hopefully the knowledge I have gained about myself will finally allow me to be successful in keeping off the weight once I lose it!

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Amazing what having a plan can do, isn't it? Today is my weigh-in day, so I'm anxious to see the numbers. . .
    I'd also be interested, if you're inclined to share, what your eating plan is. Not in great detail, but just your overall plan. Do you measure portions, count calories, count protein grams, fat, etc. . . I'm always interested in these things :)
