Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Welcome to Day 2!

I feel like I should start this post "Captains Log, Stardate 201643..." :-) Yup, I'm a trekkie!

I found out this morning that a former high school classmate of mine was killed in a car accident on July 3. Since I was so oblivious in high school I didn't know Chip, but I did know who he was. His two sons were with him, one escaped with a broken shoulder, but one is in critical condition in a hospital in Colorado. I am praying for his family and Jack's quick physical recovery. May Jack also be surrounded by loved ones as he deals with his father's death.

Well, overall today was a good day. I did sneak a couple of cheetos, 4 to be exact, at the boys' lunchtime. Cheetos are my FAVORITE and I couldn't resist. I stopped at 4, so minimal damage done and I didn't stare at the plates all during lunch thinking about eating them. The Cheetos, not the plates! :-) Everything else was right on track. I did Turbokick this morning and taught Body Blitz at 11:30. I also got sucked into the whole Michael Jackson memorial thing. I was a little worried it would be a total circus when they were singing the hymn about going to see the King as the casket was brought in, but it turned out to be a very emotional and moving tribute. MJ had his own demons to deal with, and he did make some bad life decisions, but he was a great entertainer and he made some music that will always be a part of my life. May Micheal find the peace in death he was unable to find in life.

I also found out that John's father (John is a fellow instructor at the Y) is in failing health and is not expected to live. John and Natash will both be in my prayers as they deal with this difficult loss.

This seems like a depressing post, doesn't? A lot of death. I guess it is all the cirlce of life. We all have to go sometime. May we make the most of the time we do have on this earth.

Good health and happiness until tomorrow,

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