Monday, July 6, 2009

My first day..

Happy Monday, All!

Today went pretty well, as first days usually do. I haven't hit that, "Is this really working, and if not, why am I doing it" phase yet. I tracked all my food intake, and taught two classes today, fully particpating in both. I am going to Turbokick in the morning as a participant and teaching a weight class at 11:30.

Even with the stress of having all my kids home, and in the house for most of the day fighting, I didn't let the stress get to me and I only ate what I planned. You know what? I'm stinking hungry! I'm always hungry the first few days that I pay attention to what I eat. My body is getting used to the reduced calorie intake, I guess.

Well, gotta go for today. Jayden and Ryan seem to be having some kerfuffle over who gets to wash their hands first. I guess that is better than them smacking each other in the head with the baseball bat they are fighting over. That was earlier today! Please, Lord, keep me away from the cookie jar on my way to the kitchen.

Until tomorrow,

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading your story, Angel. I think it will be an inspiration to many--I know it is to me! I'll keep enjoying your classes and I'll keep up with your journey here as well. Hopefully we can all encourage each other along the way!
